
yeah, this really happened

A few days ago I was driving home and was approaching a red light and needed to turn left. Right as I began to slow down, the left turn arrow turned green, so I could fluidly continue on without slowing. After this happened, I realized I had both winked and pointed at the left turn signal because it timed everything perfectly. I find myself doing things like this more than I would like to admit, and it always happens when I am alone. But now I have confessed. Try winking at a light someday, you will laugh at yourself for the rest of time.


  1. I would have given anything to see that.

  2. hahaha, sac, i love you

    also, i was mad you didn't go for round 2 at morgan's on saturday! : (

  3. Hmm...wow. Well, I must say that I'm not shocked. This is why I love you.
