
you blog?!?!?

One of my students asked my if I have a blog and was shocked that I answered affirmatively. He asked me what I blog about...I had no idea how to respond. Probably because this was what I planned to write today:

Today I tried to catch a snake and it defecated on my hand. Truly.


  1. i hope you gave him your blog address so he could see how "cool" you are.

  2. To be in your class. Dream come true.

  3. i'm so glad you sent me your blog link. YES YES YES. mine is lauraalyse.blogspot.com. it's very boring so i won't be ashamed if you don't read it... but i'm going to read yours because posts like this are my very favorite kinds of blogging. (and you know how i love blogging--re our 495 class.)
