
I finished

4 years
51 Classes
80+ Exams
? Pages read
16 English classes
5 Folk bands
5 Countries visited
1 Study abroad
2 Performing tours
1 Missed tour due to surgery
5 Surgeries total
200+ Pages written
2 Senior Thesis papers
8 Stellar professors
5 Most roommates at once
1 Niece born
1 Nephew born
3 Grad schools to choose from
1 Grad school Rejection
1 Season pass to Park City ski resort
1 Season pass to Seven Peaks
50+ Boxes of Cereal consumed

Final Semester
3 Surgeries
5 A's
15+ Number of times skiing
1 Pair of new skis
1 Trip to Colorado
1 Trip to AZ for surgery
1 bloody/black eye
2 Graduation ceremonies
1 Trip to disneyland
1 Threw molotov cocktails
1 Hiked 17 miles through snow
1 Book club
1 Job as research assistant
1 Editing position

YAY! I'm done!


  1. Congratulations on being finished! You accomplished a lot for sure.. I don't know how you remember all that info.

  2. this is hilarious! congrats!!!!! i think that you're wonderful. wonderful. wonderful. wonderful. in every way.
