Continuing on with the theme of my last post, I have a fresh story for you. I had a soccer game Friday night, went skiing on Saturday and was thus feeling a bit tired on Monday. I decided to stay at my grandma's on Sunday night, make Monday a relaxing day to take a hike with Emily, Linx and Rachel. We created a Provo bucket- list a few weeks ago, and decided to hit up the Spanish Fork hot springs on our day off. We left our apartment at 1pm, assuming we'd be back by 4 or 5. We drove up a canyon to find the road blocked off, and I assumed that was the trail head (online it said the hike was 2.5 miles from the trail head). So, we started walking through the snow up the road...and it took forever, but we didn't really care because it was beautiful and nice to be outside ect. Well, an hour and twenty minutes later, we arrive at some trailhead---the trail head we thought we had passed an hour earlier. Some girl and man walked awkwardly out of the same bathroom stall and informed us that the road was blocked off because the snow was treacherous and that the portion we had just trudged was 6 miles long (!). So, the "real" and anticipated hike was just beginning. We thought it wouldn't take long: FALSE. The trail meanders along a river and is the equivalent of a crazy ski traverse. Keep in mind we were wearing running shoes. We finally arrived at the hot springs at 4pm--they were beautiful. Nervous of the dark, the fact that we had no flashlights, cellphone reception or proper equipment, we only stayed in the springs for a few minutes. Just enough to get soaking wet, making it necessary to somehow change out of our swimsuits without flashing all of the drunk boys and slipping in the mud. Suffice it to say that it didn't work out so well. We left the springs with an 8.5 mile hike ahead of us. I had half a water bottle and a chewy granola bar for the entire trip. By the time we reached the blasted road, we were pretty exhausted. Lots of singing, moral support and hysterical laughter ensued. We finally made it back to our apartment by 730 pm after an accidental 17 mile hike. Another restful MLK day to remember.