This has been me recently. I've been sleeping out of control and haven't known why. I thought I was depressed, suddenly lazy, and bored with everything. I went to the doctor on Monday because I thought I had strep, but hadn't put the symptoms together myself...turns out I have mono. Ugh. It's pretty terrible. I sleep at least 12 hours a day. And fall asleep whenever I need to accomplish anything remotely productive (of course).
Because I have been seriously slacking in the blogging department, Let's rewind a bit.

I went to Florida in April to present at the Multi-Ethnic Literature Conference in Boca Raton, aka I went to the Beach and Harry Potter World! The beaches in Florida are beautiful--the water was the same temperature as the air. My favorite part of HP world was walking through the castle, it's like being in a diorama (my dream of all dreams). PS. The butterbeer is fantastic.

Then my dear friend Whitney got married! So I got to trek to Arizona.

Then it snowed on memorial day and Jeff and I went skiing. 2 days before June.

I went to "Chad the Hair God" a few days ago and dyed my hair much darker. I feel like a real Campbell again--most of my cousins are brunette beauties. Chad knew most things about me just by looking. It was quite the experience.

I finish up spring term next week before I move to Washington DC! I'll be there for 2 months doing research at Howard University and can't wait. (The fact that Jeff got an internship with USAID may or may not have something to do with this)